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Disclaimer:* Used Vehicle Prices do not include sales tax/IMF Fee, tag & title fees. Used vehicle prices include $699 closing fee. Depending on the age of the vehicle, normal wear and tear should be anticipated. Unless the vehicle has a remaining factory warranty, all sales are AS-IS with no warranty. Customers must mention website advertisement and the date and time viewed to receive this advertised price. The final cash price charged at any dealership depends on many factors, including all products and services bought with the vehicle. Cars may have minor road chips, light scratches, wheel scuffs, etc. Dealer is not responsible for any misprints, price discrepancies, statements of condition, or incorrect equipment listed on any vehicle. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to verify the accuracy of the prices with the dealer, including the pricing for all added accessories, before the sale. While great effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, errors do occur so please verify information with a customer service representative. This is easily done by calling us at (803) 754-9500, or by visiting us at the dealership. **With approved credit. Terms may vary.
**Sticker reflects features and subscriptions available at time of original vehicle purchase. See your Lexus dealer for updated information.